Ryanair sucks. They seem fenomenal when you're booking your flight and it costs a mere 25 € roundtrip.
But then you get to the airport.
Actually flying with Ryanair is a horrible experience. Unless you buy your ticket at the counter, and, come on, who does that anymore? you must check-in online and print your boarding pass. They say it's no problem if you have printer issues or no printer. But what they really mean is that it will cost you 40€ for them to print it for you at the airport. This is "because there are no printers" at the airport.
If by some luck you did print your boarding pass or you had enough cash to buy a new one, you then get to go through the super-fun process of checking your bags or trying to fit your normally-acceptable carry-on into the shockingly small testing cage. Don't forget that you're only allowed ONE (1) piece of hand luggage. No, you can't also carry a purse or computer. Those things must fit into your carry-on, which must fit into the tester-cage. I have witnessed several people breaking pieces off of their luggage in order to make it fit, only to be charged the 35€ because, clearly, it won't.
Now your flight is delayed an hour. Next your gate changes sending you and one hundred other people sprinting through the airport.
Alright, so you made it on the plane, though your wallet may be much smaller than you had expected when flying with Ryanair. Time for a good nap before your busy day of sightseeing/conferences/dealing with family ahead. Well, no. The Ryanair crew are going to interrupt your little siesta every 15 minutes or so to try to sell you over-priced goods like food, drinks, perfumes and lotions, lottery tickets and even smokeless cigarettes. I am actually tempted to buy those and see how they work. But...I'd rather be sleeping. And there's no way you won't hear the announcements that Carol is coming through the cabin. The volume on the speakers will pierce through even the loudest iPod.
Finally, you land, everyone applauds (literally. I've seen this happen several times only on Ryanair flights.) You're late. Yet, they still insist on playing a recording of a leprechaun announcing that the airline with the most on-time flights, Ryanair, has again landed on time.
Please get me off this plane asap.
Want more evidence of how much Ryanair sucks? Google it, or start here: http://www.ihateryanair.co.uk/