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Nha Trang

Day 65
After a breakfast of eggs and Vietnamese coffee the group piled onto the bus and set out for the ferry to the Thúy Cung aquarium. I believe we sat in boats very much like the ones described in Andrew X. Pham's Catfish and Mandala. We sailed underneath the gondola that goes across the bay. As we turned around a corner, what looked like an old, stranded, ship came into view. There were also shark, tropical fish and shrimp statues chilling on the shore. After docking we realized that the sunken ship was the aquarium. This trip seems to have some Ship theme.
The building itself was more elaborate than the exhibits. They had basically built home aquariums into the walls. There usually weren't many plants or anything in the tanks with the fish. It was pretty dreary. But the building was cool.
In the gift shop Tess almost bought something we had been warned about: tortoise shell jewelry. The Vietnamese kill the turtles just to make jewelry from their shells to sell to tourists.
Soon, it was time to head back to the ferry to head on over to the beach. These things can't wait, you understand. So, we ferried across the bay to where the gondola was heading and pulled up to a tiny dock that led to a private beach. It was paradise. Minus having to pay to use the chairs, which you needed because the beach was all rocks. People were waiting to offer you any spa services your heart desired. Jet ski, kayak and snorkeling gear rentals were also available.
Lunch came after a few hours of enjoying the simple things in life. It was the same menu: crab, cuttlefish, shrimp, rice. This time we had some kind of fish soup. It came in a pot shaped almost like a coffee cake pan, but there were hot coals in the center. And it was spicy! Dessert was of course pineapple.
We had to leave the little oasis after our meal. Tess, Rebecca and I had originally planned to go to a small water park after getting back, but then decided we'd had enough sun and heat. Rebecca stayed to take a nap while Sara joined Tess and I in a trip back to the market.
Man that place is nuts. They have furniture, clothing, luggage, fruit, seafood, snacks, souvenirs, kitchen ware, jewelry, anything you could ask for. We were hunting for designer bags, of course. And we hunted high and low. Tess bought a hiking backpack; Sara got a purse for her mom and one for herself. I found a Prada purse, wallet and a Louis Vuitton suitcase, and I paid about $60 for all of it. What a deal.
We were hungry by then, so we trekked back to the hotel. The group had dinner reservations at a restaurant a block behind the hotel, so we all walked. They served us the usual meal.
After dinner, Tess and I thought we should go back to the spa just one last time. We hadn't tried all the services they offered yet. I went for the facial and mani/pedi. Ahhh. I wish I could go back to that wonderful dream place. It was a dream come true.
They put Tess and I in the same room again, even though she was getting yet another massage. She said she opened her eyes when they asked her to turn over, and she thought I was being mummified. They had put on some kind of mask and wrapped my face in gauze. When my facial was complete, I got to just lie there and relax while they brought the manicure and pedicure to me. Sure, it wasn't as great because I couldn't really soak my feet and hands, but I still didn't have to move.


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