Day 10 Here's the low-down on what I've done so far today in Salvador. We were awakened by chaos in the passport department; they couldn't decide how the process was going to go. First it was by sea, then randomly by name, then they went ahead and had the de-briefing meeting, then the process went back to by sea with random face-to-face stamping. I could have slept in for longer. We finally disembarked after ten am and walked to the elevator that takes you to the upper city. The street we walked along to get to the elevator smelled like urine. Horses kept clomping by, I assume as a part of the Independence Day parade. They were setting up a marketplace in a plaza at the base of the elevator, which we perused, but didn't buy anything in. There was another plaza at the top of the elevator with spectacular views of the bay. People everywhere were were trying to sell us shell necklaces, straw hats and other things. There were street bands playing drums and different in...
Musings from my many travels, including Semester at Sea (fall 2008), Madrid & Europe (spring 2010) and move to Italy (fall 2019).